Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tiffany's First Swim Meet

We went to Tiffany's first swim meet yesterday. It was so hot I was ready to jump in the pool clothes and all in the middle of the

The dive team had not started practice this season yet due to not having a coach, so she had not been going to practice. We finally convinced her to join the swim team too, so she had just started going to swim practice this week. Since Tiffany just started out she was only in one race and we got there 5 minutes after she had already raced. She did do some timing for the relays, so we cheered her on then :)

1 comment:

Casey Lu said...

Swimming is so much fun, I really hope she enjoys it! So glad that you were there to cheer her on, it makes us mom's feel so proud doesn't it?! Love the picture of you and Steve! Two happy and good looking peeps! :) You sound so happy and I am so glad for you Ginger!!! Can't wait to here more!!!